Arlington Art Truck: TIES THAT BIND: learn To Sew On A Button and Connect by artists Lorenzo Cardim with Charlene Wallace and Angela Latson will teach you how to sew a button while building community connections.
Learning to repair your clothing is a great way to conserve resources. For the fall Arlington Art Truck project, artists Lorenzo Cardim, Charlene Wallace, and Angela Latson will teach participants how to sew a button while building community connections. You'll sew fun colorful buttons of all shapes and sizes onto fabric shaped like Arlington civic associations or neighborhoods to create a map of Arlington. During this eight week activation, segments of the map will fill up with colorful buttons which collectively represent the diversity of our community.
These pieces of fabrics displaying Arlington Civic Association will be sewn into a full map of Arlington County and exhibited at the Ellen Bozman Center Courthouse.
Photo by Bud Wilkinson
Photo by Bud Wilkinson
Photo by Elman Studio, LLC
Photo by Elman Studio, LLC